Biofeedback Training

Heart Rate Variability Biofeedback is a scientifically based technique to improve the body’s baseline ability to manage stress and perform at your peak under pressure and on demand.

What is heart rate variability biofeedback?

Heart Rate Variability (HRV) Biofeedback allows you to gain control over your body’s responses to stress. It is an evidence-based treatment during which you are trained to improve your mental and physical health by using signals from your own body. 

HRV Biofeedback is scientifically proven to be an efficacious treatment for numerous health conditions and also a critical training process for peak performance. In fact, research shows that HRV Biofeedback improves reaction speed, emotional regulation, endurance, and resilience. 

Research shows that enhanced modulation of the autonomic nervous system, as demonstrated by increased heart rate variability, is mirrored in the brain.

In particular, findings indicate that HRV training yields large fluctuations in vessel diameter and also increases the level of oxygenation in each brain region that are associated with improvements in mental clarity, focus, and cognitive flexibility (e.g. the ability to pivot from hyper-focus to letting go). This is consistent with clinical evidence that HRV biofeedback improves cognitive, emotional, and physical functioning. 


What do heart rate variability biofeedback training sessions involve?

Dr. Lagos uses state-of-the art equipment to train her clients to tighten their self-regulation and enhance their ability to respond effectively and efficiently under stress. Training can be short-term (ten weeks, meeting once per week, or ongoing depending on the needs of the client. 

She also implements her own optimal health and performance protocol to help individuals physiologically prepare for stressful situations, reduce cardiovascular reactivity during challenge, and recover more quickly from stress. 

Following the biofeedback training, many clients retain their skills for life with only occasional refreshers. 

Themes that you may address in your work with dr. Lagos

NBC News

New York Sport Psychologist Leah Lagos Helps to Enhance Performance of Olympic Rower

Do you have to live in NYC or can Dr. Lagos consult remotely?

If you live outside the New York area, Dr. Lagos offers Heart Rate Variability (HRV) Biofeedback training via Zoom. Please contact her office for more details.


More about HRV Biofeedback

How HRV Training can boost your performance and well-being

Recommended Resources

– Dr. Leah Lagos

Learn more about how heart rate variability biofeedback training may benefit you.

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