The heart is your window to emotional control
Perform at Your Peak
”We all have the power to control how our hearts respond to stress and the ways in which we connect, compete, and lead during challenging times as well as in everyday life.” – Dr. Leah Lagos
Heart Breath Mind
Train Your Heart to Conquer Stress and Achieve Success by Dr. Leah Lagos, Psy.D.
Stress is not in your head, it’s in your body— this is the key to peak performance
- Do you ever wonder how to let go of your fears and achieve your life’s goals?
- Do you aspire to lead with courage, make better decisions, turn off your busy brain and perform optimally under pressure?
- Can you imagine what you would accomplish if you had increased focus, improved mood, better sleep, enhanced stamina and greater mental endurance?
In her book, Heart Breath Mind: Train Your Heart to Conquer Stress and Achieve Success, top performance psychologist Dr. Leah Lagos shares her groundbreaking program which has transformed people’s lives in the U.S. and around the world.
The book Heart Breath Mind is available in hardcover, ebook,
and audiobook editions, wherever books are sold.

The average person takes about 20,000 breaths a day. You would think we would be pros at it by now. We’re not.
The scientifically proven 10-week Heart Breath Mind protocol includes clinically tested exercises that allow you to control your body’s physical response to stress.
This training, paired with easy-to-master cognitive-behavioral exercises, offers a safe and natural process for strengthening health and performance, enabling readers to respond more flexibly to stressful situations, let go of negative thoughts and emotions, and ultimately be more focused and confident under pressure.
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8x US National Chess Champion
2x Tai Chi Push Hands World Champion
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Black Belt
and real life inspiration behind the film Searching for Bobby Fisher
New York Times Bestselling author
Global Finance Consultant
New York University School of Medicine
Benefits of Dr. Lagos’ Heart Breath Mind Training
- Tap into your personal power of resilience anytime to move from a negative to positive emotional state.
- Cultivate courage, confidence and resilience under fire.
- Let go of stress to perform optimally under suboptimal conditions.
- Overcome catastrophic thoughts, relieve anxiety and make better decisions under pressure.
- Build resonance in the body and mind, relieve trauma, reduce anxiety and prevent stress.
- Increase energy and your ability to regulate your emotions on demand.
- Improve sleep, reduce headaches, and strengthen your health.

Available Now!
Heart Breath Mind Training on the Go
Sport and performance science expert Dr. Leah Lagos has developed an insights-driven program on the Elite HRV app!
The Heart Breath Mind program, is available for free for Apple and Android devices.